Sunday, December 12, 2010
December 2010!!!
So it has been awhile since i put anything up here... Tyler is almost 1 and he is walking!!! We are getting ready for our first Christmas in Yuma.. So far we have made some great friends here and we are having a great time!! So many things have happened lately... We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with some great people!! The turkey was finished 2 hours early!! haha!! It made for an eventful day! haha! We went to Lubbock for my dads surgery.. Very happy to report that dad is doing great!!!! Franks mom is supposed to be coming for Christmas so that will be fun! I am already planning out his 1st birthday party! He will also have a 1st birthday party in Lubbock when we go in January.. We are trying to find someone to take some pictures of us before Frank leaves for school in January...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Life is Crazy
Well I must say that the last few weeks have been full of craziness.... Tyler has started crawling and is now trying to pull himself up on things.. he is officially mobile and he is so funny!! He love getting into things.. of course.... We are so excited for the next few months and helping learn how to walk and talk!! We are truly blessed and are loving every moment... We have been getting our house put together the way we want and we are excited to have family coming up soon to see how are life is going here.. So far we have had an amazing time here in Yuma, and we are anxious to find out what the next 2 and half years will bring our way... Things are hopefully going to be taking off for Frank soon! He has been working so hard at work and he deserves for good things to come his way!! We are so grateful for our family and our amazing friends that have been there for us through this move and getting things settled.. We are excited to get everyone together here and hopefully make some new and wonderful friends.. I am in the process of trying to plan a family day event for our group here.. The unit here is brand new so no one really knows each other.. I am hoping that we can get one pulled together in the next month or so before people start making plans for the holidays... Oh well.. my life is about to get extra crazy i guess.....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Craziness in the Morrison House...
Friday, July 30, 2010
i miss this thing that everyone keeps calling sleep....
Well the last few days Tyler has been fighting an upper respiratory infection and I must say that I feel bad that he cant sleep cause he cant breathe through his nose at the moment but wow! That is a lot of sleep that I am missing.. I hate it when he is sick.. he cant sleep and he is so upset.. I do believe that I have suctioning out his nose down to an art.. haha.. He is slowly getting better and hopefully he will be completely over it soon.. He love to go to the pool but we cant take him til he is breathing better.. So til then we are pretty much stuck in the house.. The heat here is getting crazy.. Cant go outside for more than 20 min at a time cause of how hot it is.. Last night we had an hour long screaming fit from Tyler although at least after this one he slept for 7 hours.. I feel so bad that I cant take this away for him.. of course during the day I cant seem to take a nap.. I am on the forum or playing with Tyler or cleaning the house... the joys of motherhood... hahaha.. I am such a rambler on here.. lol..
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Its been a really long time...
So it has been a really long time since my last post.. I need to get in here and completely redo this page.. it looks terrible! lol! as far as updating... Tyler is now 7 months old and getting so big so fast! We are all moved in our new house in Yuma, and we are almost done getting everything put away.. life is good and at this point i am happy!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wow!! it has been a long time since i posted!! lol!! Tyler was born on December 27, 2009 8lbs 11oz and 20 1/2 inches long!! he is my bundle of joy!! he is now almost 4 months old and almost 15 lbs.. Frank and i will be moving to Arizona in about a month.. we are very excited... i will post pics of Tyler later on!!
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