Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Life is Crazy

Well I must say that the last few weeks have been full of craziness.... Tyler has started crawling and is now trying to pull himself up on things.. he is officially mobile and he is so funny!! He love getting into things.. of course.... We are so excited for the next few months and helping learn how to walk and talk!! We are truly blessed and are loving every moment... We have been getting our house put together the way we want and we are excited to have family coming up soon to see how are life is going here.. So far we have had an amazing time here in Yuma, and we are anxious to find out what the next 2 and half years will bring our way... Things are hopefully going to be taking off for Frank soon! He has been working so hard at work and he deserves for good things to come his way!! We are so grateful for our family and our amazing friends that have been there for us through this move and getting things settled.. We are excited to get everyone together here and hopefully make some new and wonderful friends.. I am in the process of trying to plan a family day event for our group here.. The unit here is brand new so no one really knows each other.. I am hoping that we can get one pulled together in the next month or so before people start making plans for the holidays... Oh well.. my life is about to get extra crazy i guess.....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Craziness in the Morrison House...

So lately we have been dealing with Tyler getting sick.. He is finally (after 5 days) getting better.. His cough is slowing down which is good.. He is also going from laying on his tummy to sitting up all by himself.. Now he is really trying to crawl.. He is so funny when he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks himself trying to move forward, although he ends up moving backward! haha!! We are still trying to get our house done.. Of course that seems like it is gonna take forever!!! The forum is finally picking up!!! Go visit it! There is a pic of the Header for the forum at the top of this post.. I am hoping that someday soon we will be able to get out of town for the weekend.. We want to go to Cali for the weekend and I am so excited for that!!!!