Friday, December 26, 2008


Well I am glad to say that Frank and I had an amazing Christmas!!! We got tons of wonderful gifts and we had an amazing day with just the two of us!! He also got me a website for my gift!!! !!!!!! I am so excited!! I will be keeping my site here but I will be putting my designs and my personal touches on my precious gift from my wonderful hubby!!! LOL!!! The really funny thing is that no one reads this!!! So I am basically updating myself!!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Patriots/Colts game!!

The Colts and the Patriots are playing tonight and we have friends over!! Of course they are going for the Colts and we are DIEHARD PATRIOT FANS!!! As of now the game is tied 15-15 in the 4th quarter!! Hopefully we can step it up and win!!!!!!!!!!!

GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Getting a Job!!

So I have to get a job cause we are in a bit of a money situation! I am not a fan of this plan!! haha!! I love to be here when my hubby goes to work, and be here when he gets off! Granted I am only looking for a part time job but those seem to be hard to find here. I guess most people in Colorado like to work full time! hahaha!! Oh well I will keep everyone up to date on my job hunting!! Which has to start today :( bleh!!! Oh well!! Maybe I will get a job somewhere cool!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well I don't know about everyone else but I am dying for Twilight to come out!! My friend Tiffany turned me on to the Twilight series, and once I started reading the first book I couldn't put them down!! I have now gotten my husband addicted to the series!! Haha!! I can easily see myself becoming totally addicted and obsessed with the series. Books and Movies!! I have found myself spending hours online looking through teaser trailers and interviews about the movie. THANK YOU TIFFANY FOR GETTING ME ADDICTED!!! I haven't actually sat down and read a really good book because I wanted to in a long time. So the fact that I am that excited about a book is a big thing. I am in the process of reading the series a second time!!!