Friday, March 13, 2009


So I am in Texas visiting my family while my hubby is away at school in North Carolina. I really love being back in Texas but there are times that I just want to sleep in my own bed and not have to deal with anyone but me!!!! It just gets frustrating!!! My hubby wont be home til April 5th or so...which makes me really sad!! I miss him so much!! I have been spending more time on the forums lately so that has helped, and not to metion there are a crap ton of people here that I have to see before I go back home!! Of course I brought the cold weather with me when I came!! I do wish that it would be nice and warm outside so I could just let loose!!!! Well I guess that is enough of my rant for the day!!! Hope everyone is doing great and I will be back soon!!!!!!

1 comment:

April Pier said...

If you get too bored, you can drive south 2 hours and come see me!! (and Michael of course)